Wednesday, March 01, 2006 

Barb's magnificent mittens

here are barbara's beautiful mittens!

Sunday, February 26, 2006 

IT'S OVER!!!!!!

Thanks to all who have participated in the olympics. We'll get a finally tally on who finished what in a couple of days once I talk to everyone. I know for sure that Barbara finished her magnificent mittens and that Peggy is ALMOST done with her jumper (she was working on the duplicate stitch today...finishing touches!)

Thanks to all for doing this. it was alot of fun!

Thursday, February 23, 2006 


The time is ticking away! Who has what left?

I know the two Jennifers are done done done with their projects! hhahaha.

Purse_Ho has been out of the DFW area all week., so she isn't sure how everyone's projecs are coming along. but she will find out tomorrow once she returns! hehehe.

keep it going, guys!

Friday, February 17, 2006 


Jennifer is finished with her socks!!! I just finished them like 20 min ago! i was dancing around my apartment chanting "socks are all done...socks are all done!"

thank you! :) hahahah.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 


Hi All.

I have added a count down timer on the side! hehe. courtesy of Yarn Harlot's minons.

Well, here is an update:

Jennifer (purse_ho)....turned the heel on her socks today. Just a few more inches and she will be done! that gold medal is near!

Mary (slow motion).... she has completed a few inches on her jacket. she's going great!! i'm proud of her!

Kathy - She completed ONE BABY BOOTIE!! GO KATHY! we are especially proud of her!!! she might get the gold after all! and to think...she just wanted to be a cheerleader!

Lee - she's going on her tomten! she's getting to the point where you seperate for the arm holes!

Mary Jane - She isn't doing the hello yarn hat anymore...she's working on a lace shawl! and she's working on it at the store it's too distracting. hehe. she said she's going!

Barbara - she's 85% done with one mitten already!! whoo-hoo!

Peggy - She's gotten quite a few inches done on that jumper. i can't wait to see it finished!!

Trudie - she admitted today she hadn't started her sam the ram yet. hehe. it's ok...we'll see if she can get it done by closing ceremonies.

Joel - not sure of his progress....haven't seen him since Sunday! but i'm sure he's moving along well.

Elynne - I haven't heard from her...but i'm sure she's working hard on her clogs!

Jenn - She's moving along REALLY well!! take a peek! she's running for that gold medal!

I'll put up more pictures this weekend. i'll have everyone show me their projects and we'll snap pictures!

Sunday, February 12, 2006 

New Additions!

Joel has joined in today!! he said (and i quote) as he casted on for a pair of lacy socks..."let the games begin". he's going to be doing Embossed Leaves Socks from Interweave knits Winter issue.

Kathy has joined us as well!! Instead of being a cheerleader...she's joined us!! she's working on a pair of baby booties. and as of today...she's 65% done with the FIRST bootie! i'm so proud of her!!

Friday, February 10, 2006 

let the games begin!!!

Let the games BEGIN!!!

after much confusion, i saw that the games were supposed to begin at 2pm EST. oops. hahah. i thought it was 7p.

As the games go on, we will be posting various pics of everyone's projects and the process. For those of you who don't come into the store on a daily/weekly basis, if you want your pics included, please take a photo and mail it to the address. I'll post them up for you!

Debbie will be joining us for the games as well. As of 7p CST...she hadn't picked a project yet. but no worries. I think she's working on converting a machine knitting pattern into a hand knitting pattern....which we all know is a challenge in itself!

Time left for the Olympics!
-6969d 14h 53m 01s remaining
Elapsed time: 43652.37%

Team Members!


  • Simpatico Yarns

  • Team Buttons!

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    More will be added later. ;)

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